Friday, May 2, 2014

April Storms: Lessons learned through Life and Death

April is a heavy month in Alabama. It is a time to reflect—a time to remember. The scars of April 2011 are embedded deeply in our land and in our hearts.  This April there have been new storms to encounter. The loss of homes and lives has once again visited our doorstep. My mind reels to make sense of the pain that has come so very close to my heart. But it is not just Alabama.


You see, grief comes to us all. We have all felt the heavy weight of grief on our chest and the way tears well up from our throat to burn down our cheeks.  We have all encountered loss.  This April claimed the lives of two men in my own life.  Two men that have taught me lessons that I will not soon forget.  Ernest Metcalf (better known as “Pepaw” to me) was born in 1933, and John Servati was born in 1993—both died in April 2014.


I have sat among friends and family to grieve the loss of these two men, and I cannot help but think about what their lives meant to me.  I realized I have learned so much from the way they lived and the way they died. 


My husband summed up so well the way “Pepaw” lived his life when he shared during the funeral:  “Pepaw saw people as valuable. No one was just a throw away in this world. All are created by God for a purpose and loved by Jesus and he wanted everyone he met to know that. He never got too old to learn. He never had too many friends to make a new one.  He never stopped loving his wife and kids—never stopped hugging his grand kids and great grand kids.  He never grew tired of talking about Jesus or quoting scripture, and I believe God used him in every breath he had.”


Even as the cancer slowly claimed Pepaw’s body, his spirit was not limited to his bed during those last weeks.  He preached to anyone who walked in the room and never stopped sharing his wisdom with us. To my husband, Wes, Pepaw shared what he called the “prescription to this broken world”.  He simply said, “Give thanks in all things, love everyone you meet, and forgive as you have been forgiven.”


Those words are seared into my heart.  I witnessed what a life of 80 years can mean when you live according to those simple principles.  I hope if I live 80 years that I will be a lot like Pepaw.


April has also taught me what a short life—lived well—can mean.  John Servati lived to the age of 21, yet the impact of his life has astounded me.  While I only had a short time to know and work with John, I was able to experience his “larger than life” personality, his tenacious competitiveness, and his commitment to his friends and teammates.  As I sat once again among friends and family during his memorial service, I learned even more about the way he lived his life in genuine service.  He didn’t serve others to gain recognition or seeking anything in return, but he gave all he had to encourage, love and help those around him.  It stands out to me that John didn’t have to wait until he was 80 to live his life this way.  His genuine service to others was a part of his life and death.


Both these men had a powerful presence both physically and relationally.  Big, strong hands that give a warm handshake have a way sticking in your memory.  It is not just their handshake or the way they made every person they encountered feel valued that I will remember most.  It is the principles by which they lived and died that I will carry with me through this world…until I see them again.


Give thanks in all things.

Love everyone you meet.

Forgive as you have been forgiven.

Genuinely serve others.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

He's a Happy Boy- 3 months

At three months old, Will is bringing more and more joy to our lives. I'm back at work now and am so thankful for the childcare that God has provided. Wes and I are watching him one day a week and we have hired a college student to stay with Will at the church where Wes works. It's only 6 minutes from me, so I can stop by and have a lunch date with my boy whenever I want. God is good.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Our Growing Boy

New pictures are below of our son who is now over 7 weeks old!  I have to admit the first 6 weeks have been some of the hardest days of my life...we are coming to really enjoy Will more and more as we get to know him and he gets to know us.  We are very blessed.  Will has loved getting to know his family.  We are taking a trip tomorrow up to Kentucky and Indiana to show him to all of our loved friends and family.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My wonderful Aunts and Cousin!

Will was so happy to meet his Aunt Lisa and Aunt Lesley this week.  He got lots of wonderful cuddle time and mom got lots of wonderful sleep!  Because Will spent the first week of his life in the NICU, he didn't get a chance to be held and cuddled by his sweet family.  Thank you Lisa, Ethan, Sam, and Lesley for sharing the joy of meeting your newest family member.  We love you all so!  Will is blessed to have family like you!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Will's great Daddy!

Will is blessed to have a daddy who has worked himself ragged to make a fence outside so he will have a place to run and play...who gets up at 3am to change his diaper...who rocks him and soothes him even when his back is on fire with sunburn.  We are both blessed to have Wes in our lives...he is a wonderful husband and daddy.

Will's Debut at UA

Will made his first trip to UA today to meet all of his fans at the Career Center.  He did great and was more awake than I've seen him so far.  he even gave some glimpses of a smile :)  His smiles right now are kind of a crooked half-grin...but they are a joy!  We're slowly figuring out how to get showered, bathed, clothed, geared up, and packed in the car to actually get somewhere on time.  It's proving to be a challenge.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

To anyone who checks our website and sorry it has taken us this long to post new photos and blogs.  It has definitely been an exhausting 3 weeks, and it gets tough to find time to do anything but care for our new bundle of joy!  Now that I'm a mom of 3 weeks I decided to write down some things I've learned in the past three weeks:

1. Wipes can be used for anything...and you go through a box of wipes like it's going out of style!
2. When your baby is checking out your face, he gets very still and quiet.  So sweet.
3.  Very rarely does a mom get a warm shower or a warm meal.
4. Babies love the sound of their dad's voice.
5.  The distance between your bed and the baby's crib seems like a grand can be scary
6. Nothing feels better than when you can stop your baby crying just by picking him up and talking to him.
7.  Grandparents can be a tremendous help!!
8.  The word "routine" takes on a whole new meaning.
9.  Spending time with God get tough...but He hears even the weakest prayer at 2am.
10.  No one could have ever prepared me for the entire life change and exhaustion of motherhood...I'm sure nothing can prepare me for the joys that await us with each new day as well.